In 2023, thanks to the support of a grant from The Roundhouse Foundation, LEO undertook the development of its first strategic plan in more than a decade.
Executive Director Stephanie Chase and LEO Board members visited each of LEO's member libraries, meeting with library directors and staff to learn more about where LEO should focus its efforts. These visits were complimented by focus groups, interviews with stakeholders and partners, and a member survey.
A Board subcommittee, comprised of Erin McCusker, formerly of the Umatilla County Special Library District; Darlyne Johnson, Ontario Community Library; James Simpson, Pendleton Public Library; Valerie Stephenson, Southern Wasco Community Library; and Perry Stokes, Baker County Library District, worked with Executive Director Stephanie Chase to draft the language of the plan, including revising LEO's mission statement. The full LEO Board approved the plan at their October 2023 Board meeting.
Mission Statement​
Empowering rural libraries through collaboration.
Our Focus
Supporting our libraries to better serve vibrant rural communities
Our Priorities​
A Commitment to Collaborative, Member-Focused Service. LEO places a strong
priority on collaborative opportunities for resource sharing.
A Place to Network and Connect. LEO recognizes the unique opportunity it has
to connect member libraries and member library staff.
A Resource for Professional Development. To complement informal opportunities
for learning, LEO will expand professional learning opportunities for member
libraries and member library staff.
For the full strategic plan, including the goals for each priority, please download the PDF of the strategic plan.