Like libraries everywhere, Libraries of Eastern Oregon (LEO) seeks to enhance civic engagement, social capital, and the personal development of individuals – recognizing the benefits to society of a well-informed citizenry and the worth of each person regardless of socio-economic factors.
LEO walks a fine balance between helping remote, rural libraries maintain traditional, internal services and values that are reflective of the communities they serve, while at the same time convening connection with distant partners who help build community with unprecedented offerings, delivery and promise.
Maintaining this balance requires rural library staff to have passion for community outreach, a willingness to explore new means of service delivery, an entrepreneurial spirit and a deep respect for the patrons and places they serve.
The Beginnings of LEO
LEO emerged following two years of informal meetings among public librarians. The State Library of Oregon provided funding for three years for an in-depth study to explore various governance options for a 10-county library district, as well as funding for a 500-household survey. About the same time that initial State Library funding became available, the working committee organized formally to secure foundation grants for enhanced library services. LEO was recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit in December 2000.
After the governance study, LEO staff continued in a volunteer capacity for several months. A strategic vision was developed: “Lighting Up the Libraries.” Lighting Up called for rural public libraries to become revitalized as essential 21st century learning centers and was adopted by former Gov. Kitzhaber as the sixth highest priority sustainability project under the Oregon Solutions program.
Subsequently, the Oregon Legislature provided funding for a comprehensive, on site assessment of all LEO libraries. LEO also obtained grants for region wide heritage and technology assessments. Needs identified in the assessments continue to guide LEO’s efforts. Adult programming was cited as one of the highest needs by nearly all libraries.
To bring its partners together, in early 2007 LEO developed “A Sense of Place” as an educational platform for program delivery. The themed approach appeals to lifelong learners and diverse interests throughout the region.
These library and LEO efforts helped build community at home by presenting offerings that reached across a previously underserved population, strengthened by outside partners who enhance library services and who value the region’s libraries for the important role they play in connecting persons and society. Through the public library, rural residents came together for civic engagement and shared lifelong learning experiences.
LEO’s mission is empowering rural libraries through collaboration. Today, LEO represents over 50 public library locations in 16 counties – Baker, Crook, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler – and is reportedly the geographically-largest library consortium in the continental U.S., covering an area of approximately 57,000 square miles, or more than half the land mass of Oregon.
Past Staff & Board of Directors
Previous Executive Directors
Lyn Craig
Brian Vegter
Founding, Past, and Current Supporters
LEO is funded through library memberships, fundraising efforts, grants, and direct contributions from individuals, businesses, and organizations. LEO is grateful for the current and past support of these organizations:
Braemar Charitable Trust
The Collins Foundation
Eleanor Lloyd Dees Foundation
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Education Foundation
H. Merlo Foundation
James F. & Marion L. Miller Foundation
Juan Young Trust
Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust
Swindells Charitable Trust
The Templeton Foundation
Tom's of Maine, Inc.